Learn DealHub

Output Documents Part 2
Output Documents Part 2
Streamline document creation by utilizing Shared Pricing Tables and MS Word Sub-Templates, and discover more document-related features.
Course Progress
Not started
About the Course

You will learn to:

  • Incorporate shared elements, including pricing tables, for consistent document design.
  • Integrate MS Word files to speed up document creation processes.
  • Perform VAT tax calculations within output documents.
  • Configure proposal summary preview templates for improved Sales experience.
  • Add Excel template.

Course Outline:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Shared Elements Overview
  3. Text Sub-Document
  4. MS Word Sub-Document
  5. Pricing Table Shared Element
  6. Document Parameters
  7. Proposal Summary Preview
  8. Excel Template
  9. Summary
  10. Quiz
45 mins
Course Level
DealHub CPQ
Part of
Essential Admin Learning Path
Value in Points
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