Learn DealHub

Output Documents Part 1
Output Documents Part 1
Generate your first Document Template with neatly arranged products and pricing tables, to publish your first quote.
Course Progress
Not started
About the Course

You will learn to:

  • Understand DealHub document types.
  • Create a proposal as your first document template.
  • Receive design guidelines for clear and professional documents.
  • Utilize dynamic parameters from Playbook for adaptable content.
  • Construct accurate pricing and bundle tables.
  • Integrate signature elements for client agreements.

Course Outline:

  1. Getting Started
  2. New Document Template
  3. Structure & Design
  4. Cover Page
  5. Header & Footer
  6. Body Elements: Text Section
  7. Conditional Elements
  8. Pricing Table
  9. Bundle Table
  10. Total Pricing Table
  11. Signature
  12. Summary
  13. Quiz
60 mins
Course Level
DealHub CPQ
Part of
Essential Admin Learning Path
Value in Points
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